The Easy Energy Assistance Application

​​"Hands down, this is the easiest OHEP application process ever!"

​ -P. Robinson, Baltimore City

Start Your Application Now

Frequently Asked Questions

How is your application different from the official one provided by the state of Maryland?

Our application is designed to be more user-friendly and streamlined, with simpler language and fewer unnecessary steps. We've focused on making it easier for applicants to understand and complete quickly.

Will using your application affect my eligibility for energy assistance in any way?

No, using our application will not impact your eligibility for energy assistance. Our goal is to make the application process smoother and more accessible for all applicants.

How do I access your simplified application?

You can access our simplified application online through our website, where it is available for download. Additionally, we may have physical copies available at local community centers or assistance offices.

Can I still use the official state application if I prefer?

Yes, you are free to use either the official state application or our simplified version, whichever you find more convenient. Both applications will be processed by the appropriate authorities.

How long will it take to complete your application?

Our application is designed to be completed quickly, typically taking less time than the official state application. Most applicants find they can finish it within 15-20 minutes.

What if I have questions or need assistance while filling out the application?

If you have any questions or need assistance, you can reach out to our support team via email or phone. We're here to help guide you through the process and ensure you submit your application successfully.